SCRIPTURE: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good, of those who love God and are called to his purpose them,” (Romans 8:28 NLT) 

QUOTE: “It is fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” – Bill Gates.


Success and failure are two sides of the same coin in any endeavor. Celebrating success is essential to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and efforts put in to achieve the desired goal. At the same time, learning from failures is critical to improve and grow for future endeavors. Success is an essential motivator for individuals, teams, and organizations. Celebrating success is vital to acknowledge the hard work, perseverance, and determination of those involved in achieving the desired outcome. Celebrating success provides a sense of accomplishment and recognition for the efforts and dedication put in to achieve the goal. It creates a positive work environment and boosts morale and motivation. Celebrating success also helps in building a culture of appreciation, recognition, and positivity, leading to higher employee engagement and retention. Failure on the other hand is an inevitable part of any journey towards success. It is crucial to learn from failures and mistakes to improve and grow for future endeavors. Failure provides valuable feedback on what went wrong and what needs to be improved. It helps in identifying the areas of weakness and opportunities for growth. 


Nehemiah, a Jewish leader learned that the walls of Jerusalem had been destroyed and the gates burned down, leaving the city vulnerable to attack. He felt called by God to rebuild the walls and restore the city to its former glory. He recognized that the people available for the rebuilding work were from different backgrounds, with different skills and strengths. Hence, he appointed people to specific tasks based on their strengths and encouraged them to work together as a team. Whenever they succeeded in rebuilding a section of the wall, Nehemiah celebrated their success by organizing a great feast and offering sacrifices to God. He recognized that their success was not only due to their hard work, but also to God’s favor and provision. There were several points of discouragement but he never gave up the good work. When they faced opposition and discouragement, he encouraged the people to persevere and trust in God. He listened to their concerns and made adjustments when necessary. His example demonstrates the importance of celebrating successes and learning from failures in building a purpose-driven team.


  1. How often do you celebrate you team’s success
  2. What has the failure of the past taught you?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Catch-up Day, Psalm 96

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