SCRIPTURE: “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself.” (Galatians 5:14 KJV)

QUOTE: “Being others-focused instead of self-focused changes your worldview. Living in a selfless manner and seeking to help others enriches our very existence on a daily basis. Get your hands dirty once in a while by serving in a capacity that is lower than your position or station in life. This keeps you tethered to the real world and grounded to reality, which should make it harder to be prideful and forget where you came from.” — Miles Anthony Smith.


One of the many ways to spot a purpose driven team is by looking at their output over a stretch of time. Looking through it always points to this reoccurring pattern: outstanding performance project after project, and a selfless leadership. Selfless leadership is characterized by a focus on the needs of others over the needs of the leader himself. A selfless leader prioritizes the well-being and success of their team members, and seeks to serve their team rather than expecting to be served. It requires a high level of empathy, as it involves understanding the perspectives and needs of others in order to make decisions that benefit the team as a whole. It also requires humility, as selfless leaders must be willing to put aside their own ego and personal interests for the sake of the team.

They are often highly effective, as their focus on serving their team creates a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration which in turn builds a team that is purpose driven. When team members feel valued and supported by their leader, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work, leading to better outcomes for the organization as a whole.


One leader that stood out as a selfless leader is Mary Barra, the CEO of General Motors. Barra is known for her focus on creating a culture of collaboration, accountability, and innovation at GM, and for her commitment to serving the needs of her team and customers. When she became CEO in 2014, she faced significant challenges, including a massive recall of defective vehicles and a corporate culture that had been criticized for prioritizing profits over safety.

Barra responded to these challenges with a focus on transparency and accountability, and made it clear that her top priority was to ensure the safety and satisfaction of GM’s customers. Under her leadership, GM has made significant strides in improving its safety record and rebuilding trust with customers. Barra has also been recognized for her efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within the company, and for her commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.


  1. How selfless is your leadership?
  2. What will be its effect on your team?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Numbers 30 – 31, Psalm 92

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